Monday, July 13, 2009

Baby Tube

One of the simple pleasures of staying home and doing nothing is watching television in an empty house. One of the negatives of this is also that you inevitably, whether caused by the lack of normal programming in the early hours of the morning or the lack of roommates, watch a show you would normally never watch. For my sister it was A Haunting, a discovery program, about haunted houses, which she follows up with Paranormal state. Her own little slice of poltergeist riddled daytime fun. Oh how she loves her little ghost hunting boys.

I always end up watching the "baby block" on Discovery Health. An hour of labor pains and adoption papers the "baby block" is made up of two of the most ovulation inducing programs on air, Adoption Stories and Deliver Me.

Not to be misunderstood I adore children but I also fear them. A part time tutor all through my high school career I can attest that small children scare me. The tutoring was not my choice my mother had decided that because of my grades and patience she thought I would work well with children. She signed me up as a tutor at the grammar school attached to my catholic high school. Where I, for the better part of my high school career tutored first through sixth graders.

Why do children bother me you ask? Well first off they are loud, messy and think that help with their homework means they can con you into doing their homework. What frightens me most about children though is their honesty. Adults will lie to you whereas children will be honest. I have a love/hate relationship with that because as someone who is neurotic to the point where Woody Allen would tell me to calm down, sometimes the truth just is not the wisest option with me.

But there are those times for me like every women where the sight of a new born and a happy couple ready to be parents makes me forget my children phobic ways. I don't know but baby programs have the same effect on me as America's Next Top Model. I know I probably could not stand doing it but that doesn't stop me from attempting to make my eyes smile in my bathroom mirror when I get bored. I wouldn't seek that kind of fulfillment on my own I just needed to be reminded that it is always a possibility.

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